Tryst Chutes and Superslope attempt


wseah , Saturday 17th February, 2024 5:50PM

Skiied a few laps of Tryst Chutes today, 15-20cm of powder on top of a firm crust that were a bit tricky to manage high in the chutes. Once down into the trees the powder on crust skiied great. Lots of sluffing as to be expected, and by the end of the day most terrain except the more committing lines was tracked out. No other signs of instability, start zones were unreactive to ski-cutting and no slab properties noted on a few hand shears. At 1:30pm we tried to drop into Superslope, but the entrance was quite thin and rocky so we decided to try for the run skiiers left of it. By that time the sun was in full force, with surface droplets and lots of pinwheeling observed. The 15cm of surface snow consolidated and slid on the crust during the initial turn, and that was enough for us to back off and exit through Tryst. Huge temperature swings during the day, started at -22 leaving the car at 8:15, and was up to +3 by the time we arrived back at 3pm. Temperature on Tryst lake felt extremely cold, maybe -15 or so, compared to close if not above freezing at ridgetop. Sun started packing a punch by noon.

Source: Avalanche Canada MIN
