Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Jan 31st, 2019 4:26PM

The alpine rating is high, the treeline rating is considerable, and the below treeline rating is moderate. Known problems include Storm Slabs.

Avalanche Canada jsmith, Avalanche Canada

Expect hazard to be HIGH in areas that receive snow instead of rain on Friday.



Moderate - Freezing levels are uncertain

Weather Forecast

THURSDAY NIGHT: Rain/snow; 20-25 mm. / Moderate to strong, southwesterly winds / Low 1/ Freezing level 1500 m.FRIDAY: Rain/snow, 20-35 mm. / Moderate to strong, southwesterly winds / High 3 C / Freezing level 1400 m. SATURDAY: Cloudy with sunny periods / Light, westerly winds / High 2 C / Freezing level 1000 m.SUNDAY: Mostly cloudy with flurries; 5-10 cm / Light, southerly winds / High-4 C / Freezing level surface.

Avalanche Summary

No recent avalanches were reported in the region. However, a natural avalanche cycle is expected to occur on Friday in the alpine areas of this region.

Snowpack Summary

A significant amount of snow in the alpine and rain at treeline and below is forecast to bury the current snow surface which is either a crust or heavily wind effected.Below the surface, the remainder of the snowpack is currently well-settled and strong in most locations.


Storm Slabs

An icon showing Storm Slabs
Touchy storm slabs reactive to human triggers will form in the alpine and possibly treeline elevations.
Use caution when in terrain above the snow line.Stay alert to changing conditions with elevation.Avoid all avalanche terrain during periods of heavy loading from new snow and wind.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.


Likely - Very Likely

Expected Size

1 - 2

Valid until: Feb 1st, 2019 2:00PM