Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Feb 21st, 2023 4:00PM

The alpine rating is considerable, the treeline rating is considerable, and the below treeline rating is moderate. Known problems include Wind Slabs and Persistent Slabs.

Avalanche Canada LG, Avalanche Canada


VERY COLD Wed/Thurs! Wind chills up to -45C. Keep days short and bring emergency layers.

Friday brings warmer temps and a return to SW wind. Evaluate fresh slabs on standard lees.




Avalanche Summary

No new naturals observed however poor vis today. Two significant whumps with cracking in a thin below treeline area, suspect windslab over a weakening crust and basal facets.

Thanks to all the great posts this week on the Mountain Information Network, keep it up!!!

Snowpack Summary

30-50cm storm snow since Monday with Mod-NE winds forming soft windslab in reverse loaded features at all elevations. This overlies a stiffer windslab from last week's wind events and the Mid-January crust interface that is now down 50-100 cm. Alpine and Treeline midpack is well settled and overlies basal facets and depth hoar, especially in thin areas. Below treeline, the Jan Crust overlies facets and depth hoar to ground.

Weather Summary


Alpine High: -28C, winds: NE 40 km/h, trace precip, sunny with some clouds


Alp High: -30C, winds: NE 35 km/h, trace precip, sunny with some clouds


Alp High: -15C, winds: W 40 km/h, no precip, clear skies


Wind Slabs

An icon showing Wind Slabs

Only isolated pockets below treeline.

Aspects: North, South, South West, West, North West.

Elevations: All elevations.



Expected Size

1 - 2

Persistent Slabs

An icon showing Persistent Slabs

Weak grains in the form of facets have developed above and below the Mid January crust. Field tests on this layer Tuesday show that it may be gaining strength, however observations have been limited and it is now buried up to 1m deep. If triggered larger avalanches may occur.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: All elevations.



Expected Size

1.5 - 3

Valid until: Feb 24th, 2023 4:00PM
