Fair - Timing or intensity of solar radiation is uncertain
Weather Forecast
A dry ridge of high pressure will maintain sunny conditions for Monday and Tuesday. A weak trough may bring bring increased cloud and light precipitation by Wednesday evening. Winds should remain generally moderate from the northwest. Freezing levels will hover around 2300m on Monday and Tuesday, and then climb to about 3300m by Wednesday morning.
Avalanche Summary
No new avalanches were reported on Saturday. With continued warming, loose wet avalanches and cornice failures will remain the primary concern, particularly on steeper, sun-exposed slopes.
Snowpack Summary
Recent rain has soaked the upper snowpack. Depending on the air temperature, snow surfaces will now appear moist or refrozen. On high north-facing slopes, light amounts of lower density snow overlie a hard crust. Much of the terrain below treeline is below threshold for avalanche activity.The hard crust that formed earlier in February can be found up to 100cm below the surface at alpine elevations. Although no recent avalanches have been observed at this interface, professionals are keeping a close eye on it as long as warm temperatures persist. Cornices are reported to be large and fragile.
Loose Wet
Aspects: All aspects.
Elevations: All elevations.
Expected Size
Aspects: North, North East, East, South East, South.
Elevations: Alpine.
Expected Size
Valid until: Feb 16th, 2015 2:00PM