Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Dec 1st, 2013 8:21AM

The alpine rating is moderate, the treeline rating is moderate, and the below treeline rating is low. Known problems include Storm Slabs.

Avalanche Canada bcorrigan, Avalanche Canada

Little is know about the snowpack in this region due to the scarcity of information. If you are in the backcountry and gather information, send us an email and help everyone stay informed! Forecaster@avalanche.ca



Poor - Due to the number of field observations

Weather Forecast

Monday: No precipitation in the forecast. Sunny skies and temps down to -13c in the valleys, Arctic outflow winds from the north 20 km/h gusting to 60 km/h as the cold front moves south.Tuesday: Cold dry air will persist for the remainder of the week. accompanied by arctic outflow winds.Wednesday: Cold dry conditions remain in the region freezing level will remain at valley bottom.Thursday: Cold conditions persist in the interior. Some models show a frontal system arriving on the coast on Thursday, but timing is uncertain.

Avalanche Summary

No reports of avalanche activity in this region.

Snowpack Summary

Wide variations in snowpack depth and structure exist throughout the region. The region has been mostly below the threshold for avalanches up to this point.  Data indicates snow amounts are well below the seasonal average, but the exception may be isolated wind loaded pockets at tree line or higher elevations. Slopes with enough snow to ride may be the ones most likely to avalanche.


Storm Slabs

An icon showing Storm Slabs
High winds accompanying the recent snowfall will have produced wind slabs at tree line and above. Use caution venturing into wind loaded lee slopes

Aspects: North, North East, East, South East.

Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.



Expected Size

1 - 3

Valid until: Dec 2nd, 2013 2:00PM
