Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Jan 29th, 2024 1:45PM

The alpine rating is considerable, the treeline rating is considerable, and the below treeline rating is considerable. Known problems include Loose Wet, Persistent Slabs and Deep Persistent Slabs.

Avalanche Canada Dvonk, Avalanche Canada


It's a good idea to keep avoiding all avalanche terrain and spend time at the ski resort. Let the snowpack adjust.




Avalanche Summary

No field team or reports today.

Snowpack Summary

No field teams or road patrols today. Looking at the weather stations, our highest stations 2300m it is well above zero degrees. From that we can speculate that there is a natural avalanche cycle happening on most aspects at most elevations. A good time to avoid avalanche terrain and let this storm move through and get back to normal temperatures.

Weather Summary

Tuesday will remain cloudy and windy from the SW. Freezing levels may drop a bit down to 2000m, but thats still quite high for January!

More details can be found in the Mountain Weather Forecast.

Terrain and Travel Advice

  • Back off if you encounter whumpfing, hollow sounds, or shooting cracks.
  • Be carefull around freshly wind loaded features.
  • In areas where deep persistent slabs may exist, avoid shallow or variable depth snowpacks and unsupported terrain features.
  • Watch for unstable snow on specific terrain features, especially when the snow is moist or wet.


Loose Wet

An icon showing Loose Wet

Surface snow becoming moist and wet with rain and high freezing levels.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Treeline, Below Treeline.


Likely - Very Likely

Expected Size

1 - 2

Persistent Slabs

An icon showing Persistent Slabs

Hard and soft slabs have developed from the warm temperatures, wind and small snowfall amounts. These sit on top of cold snap facet interface. Sun crusts are also found on steep solar aspects around treeline

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.



Expected Size

1 - 2

Deep Persistent Slabs

An icon showing Deep Persistent Slabs

This layer is getting getting buried deeper and deeper over time. The weight and amount of new snow is slowly increasing, which will increase the size of any potential avalanches.

Aspects: North, North East, East, South East, South.

Elevations: Alpine.



Expected Size

1.5 - 3

Valid until: Jan 30th, 2024 4:00PM
