Avalanche Forecast
Issued: Nov 10th, 2015 8:34AM
The alpine rating is
, the treeline rating is , and the below treeline rating isSummary
Weather Forecast
For daily mountain weather forecasts visit https://avalanche.ca/weather
Avalanche Summary
Avalanche Activity Discussion will commence with the start of daily forecasts on November 20th, 2015. Take a look at the MIN to see if there are any recent posts in your area. If you see avalanche activity, please submit that information to the MIN, it only takes a few minutes. Thanks!
Snowpack Summary
Snowpack Discussion will commence with the start of daily forecasts on November 20th, 2015. Look to the Mountain Information Network (MIN) for the latest crowdsourced snowpack information. If you were out in the mountains, please share your observations from the day on the MIN. For more details visit: avalanche.ca/mountain-information-network
Valid until: Nov 11th, 2015 2:00PM