Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Mar 18th, 2018 3:06PM

The alpine rating is low, the treeline rating is low, and the below treeline rating is moderate. Known problems include Loose Wet.

Avalanche Canada jmcbride, Avalanche Canada

Be aware of snow conditions that change with elevation and from one aspect to another. Thin storm slabs may exist in the alpine while crusts on sunny and lower elevation slopes may become moist or wet with sun or daytime warming.



Moderate - Timing or intensity of solar radiation is uncertain

Weather Forecast

TONIGHT: Mostly cloudy, light flurries. Accumulation 2-5 cm. Ridge wind light, northwest. Alpine Temperature near -6. Freezing level 500 m.MONDAY: Cloudy, light flurries. Accumulation trace. Ridge wind light, southwest. Alpine temperature near -5. Freezing level 1500 m.TUESDAY: Mostly cloudy, light flurries. Accumulation trace. Ridge wind light, southwest. Alpine temperature near -5. Freezing level 1600 m.WEDNESDAY: Cloudy, flurries. Accumulation 2-5 cm. Ridge wind light, south. Alpine temperature near -4. Freezing level 1800 m.

Avalanche Summary

On Saturday there were numerous reports of size 1-2, loose wet avalanches on sunny, solar aspects involving the recent storm storm snow, as well as one report of a size 1.5 skier triggered slab (30 cm deep) on a northwest aspect at 2000 m.Last week, on Friday there were reports of several skier triggered (size 1-1.5) avalanches from 15-25 cm deep on north through southeast aspects between 1700-2100 m.Thursday there were reports of small (size 1) natural and skier triggered avalanches in steep, north-facing terrain.And last Wednesday there was a report of a skier triggered size 1 wind slab on a north aspect at 2000 m.

Snowpack Summary

A light dusting of snow (5-20 cm) covers a crust on all but high elevation north facing slopes where cold, dry snow sits above a well settled snowpack. Below 1800 m a surface crust existing on all aspects and will likely breakdown with daytime warming becoming moist in the afternoon.Deeper persistent weak layers from January and December are generally considered dormant, but could wake up with a surface avalanche stepping down, large cornice fall, or a human trigger in a shallow or variable-depth snowpack area. These layers consist of sun crust, surface hoar and/or facets.


Loose Wet

An icon showing Loose Wet
Watch for areas of moist or wet snow especially on steep, sunny slopes and near rocky outcrops or gullies.
Use caution above cliffs and terrain traps where small avalanches may have severe consequences.Minimize exposure to steep, sun exposed slopes when the solar radiation is strong.Use extra caution on slopes if the snow is moist or wet.

Aspects: North, North East, East, South East, South.

Elevations: All elevations.



Expected Size

1 - 2

Valid until: Mar 19th, 2018 2:00PM
