Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Apr 25th, 2024 4:00PM

The alpine rating is considerable, the treeline rating is moderate, and the below treeline rating is below threshold. Known problems include Storm Slabs.

Avalanche Canada IG, Avalanche Canada


Stormy weather is on the way. We'll see moderate to heavy precipitation and fluctuating freezing levels, which could mean rain on top of fresh snow. If that's the case expect ski/snowboard quality to decrease and the avalanche danger to increase.

Still getting out? Consider posting a MIN report!




Avalanche Summary

Thursday a few small natural avalanches were observed from the extreme terrain on the North face of Mt. Macdonald. There was also a report of a few skier triggered size 1's from the Herdman Couloir. MIN Report Here

On Monday, a field team in the Fidelity zone was able to ski-control several dry/loose sz 1 avalanches on N aspects, as well as ski-cut a wind slab on an E aspect.

Snowpack Summary

Heavy new snow with light to moderate wind has created storm slabs. These slabs sit atop a series of crusts on all aspects except high north faces, where they overlie dry snow.

The Feb 3rd crust, down ~110cm, is the dominant mid-pack layer and still produces isolated planar results when tested.

With high freezing levels expect rain soaked snow at treeline and below. This will shrink our already dwindling snowpack at lower elevations.

Weather Summary

A low pressure system is moving through the region, bringing stormy weather the next few days. There is uncertainty in the models about snow/rain amounts but most are showing steady precipitation & warm temps.

Tonight: Snow to 19cms. Alp low -2°C, Ridgetop wind: 10-20 km/hr, Freezing Level (FZL): 1700m

Fri: Flurries to 7 cm, Ridge wind South 10-25, FZL: 2300m

Sat: Flurries to 9 cm, Ridge wind SW 15-25km/hr, 2200m FZL

Terrain and Travel Advice

  • Closely monitor how the new snow is bonding to the old surface.
  • Dial back your terrain choices if you are seeing more than 25cm of new snow.


Storm Slabs

An icon showing Storm Slabs

Some forecasts are showing up to 30cms in the next 24 hrs, with freezing levels rising to 2300m. This will create a fresh storm slab, which will be especially reactive if the storm finishes with rain!

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.



Expected Size

1 - 2.5

Valid until: Apr 26th, 2024 4:00PM
