Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Nov 25th, 2018 3:32PM

The alpine rating is considerable, the treeline rating is moderate, and the below treeline rating is low. Known problems include Loose Wet and Storm Slabs.

Avalanche Canada mbender, Avalanche Canada

Forecast precipitation amounts and freezing levels are uncertain for Monday. If precipitation amounts are higher locally than forecast, avalanche danger may be higher than indicated. Precipitation falling as snow will be isolated to the high alpine.



Low - Intensity of incoming weather systems is uncertain on Monday

Weather Forecast

Overnight SUNDAY: Wet snow or rain, accumulation 15-20 cm snow possible in the alpine / Alpine temperature 1 / Strong south wind / Freezing level 1500 mMONDAY: Rain, accumulation 10-15 cm snow possible in the alpine / Alpine temperature 3 / Moderate to strong south wind / Freezing level 1500-1800 m.TUESDAY: Wet flurries or showers, accumulation up to 5cm possible in the alpine / Alpine temperature 1 / Moderate southwest wind / Freezing level 1500 m.WEDNESDAY: Flurries / Alpine temperature -1 / Light to moderate south wind / Freezing level 1200 m.

Avalanche Summary

Expect to see loose wet avalanches right up into the alpine with the arrival of the latest storm Sunday through Monday. No recent avalanches have been reported. However, we currently have very limited observations. If you have been out, please submit any observations to the Mountain Information Network MIN.

Snowpack Summary

Expect to see moist or wet surface snow with the arrival of a warm southwesterly storm system Sunday night through Monday. There is an average of 60-110 cm of snow in the alpine. This decreases dramatically with elevation where the primary hazards are rocks, stumps, and open creeks. For those areas that have more snow, remember that if there is enough snow to ride, there is enough snow to slide. We currently have very limited snowpack observations, so it is critical to supplement this information with your own observations.5-15 cm of recent storm snow is sitting on a crust that was formed during last week's temperature inversion. There is likely an early season crust near the bottom of the snowpack.


Loose Wet

An icon showing Loose Wet
Wet snow and rain will weaken the surface snow.
Minimize exposure to avalanche terrain during periods of heavy loading from new snow, wind, or rain.Avoid exposure to terrain traps where the consequences of a small avalanche could be serious.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: All elevations.



Expected Size

1 - 2

Storm Slabs

An icon showing Storm Slabs
The latest storm is forecast to have a high freezing level. Expect to see storm slabs where the precipitation is falling as snow. This may be isolated to the high alpine
Stay alert to changing conditions with elevation.Use caution in lee areas. Wind loading could create slabs.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Alpine.


Possible - Likely

Expected Size

1 - 2

Valid until: Nov 26th, 2018 2:00PM
