Avalanche Forecast
Issued: Apr 26th, 2017 4:00PM
The alpine rating is
, the treeline rating is , and the below treeline rating isSummary
Weather Forecast
Weather station data is available here: https://agriculture.alberta.ca/acis/alberta-weather-data-viewer.jsp Akamina Pass, Goat Haunt, & Waterton Red Rock are most useful.Avalanche Canada produces a broad-scale Mountain Weather Forecast: https://avalanche.ca/weather SPOTWX (https://spotwx.com) is a resource for weather forecasts at a local scale.
Snowpack Summary
The Spring snowpack is well above average. Avalanche risk will remain on many trails until Summer. Avalanche Canada has defined four common spring scenarios, here: https://avalanche.ca/blogs/spring-strategy-2017. It's up to you to decide which of the scenarios applies to your situation. Each requires a different risk management approach.
Avalanche Summary
Valid until: Apr 27th, 2017 4:00PM