Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Dec 29th, 2022 4:00PM

The alpine rating is considerable, the treeline rating is considerable, and the below treeline rating is considerable. Known problems include Storm Slabs and Persistent Slabs.

Avalanche Canada CB, Avalanche Canada


The recent storm snow is making for good quality skiing throughout the park.

Keep a watch out for whumpfing, hollow sounds and shooting cracks that would indicate the snowpack is weak and possible to rider triggering.




Avalanche Summary

On Thursday we observed two natural avalanches, size 2-2.5 along the highway corridor from steep terrain on N and SE asp.

Skiers were triggering avalanches in neighboring operations just outside the park on Wednesday, these accidentally triggered avalanches were up to size 3.0 in size, and primarily failing at the storm snow/facet interface.

Artillery control on Xmas and Boxing Day had good results, with many avalanches observed in the sz 2.5-3.5 range. There was evidence of step-down avalanches on the persistent weak layers.

Snowpack Summary

Recently built storm slabs, 55-65cm deep, sit on top of a weak and faceted snowpack. This interface will likely persistent as a weak layer for awhile.

Nov 17 SH down 100-120 cm, while still obvious in the snowpack, has mostly been unreactive in stability tests over the past three days. The Dec 05 and Dec 17th SH have been unreactive in tests since the storm.

Weather Summary

A weakening front affecting the Coast will give unsettled weather into the weekend.

Friday: Flurries, up to 5cm of snow. Alpine low -10*C, high -5*C, 1300m freezing level (FZL). Light SW ridgetop wind.

Sat: Flurries, up to 10cm snow. Alpine low -9*C, High -7*C, 1200m FZL. Light SW wind.

Sun: Clearing. Alpine low -13*C, High -9*C. Light W wind.

Terrain and Travel Advice

  • Back off if you encounter whumpfing, hollow sounds, or shooting cracks.
  • Continue to make conservative terrain choices while the storm snow settles and stabilizes.
  • Exercise caution on steep, unsupported slopes.


Storm Slabs

An icon showing Storm Slabs

A widespread storm slab is present throughout the park. It is bonding to the snow below with continued warm temperatures and settlement. It is possible for skiers to trigger this layer. Moderate southerly winds have redistributed some of this snow in the alpine and exposed areas at treeline.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: All elevations.



Expected Size

1 - 2.5

Persistent Slabs

An icon showing Persistent Slabs

Several persistent weak layers are present in the mid to lower snowpack. These layers are still reacting in the moderate to hard range in snowpack tests. Exercise extra caution if you are planning on travelling in areas that haven't been skied yet this season.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: All elevations.



Expected Size

1.5 - 3

Valid until: Dec 30th, 2022 4:00PM
