Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Mar 22nd, 2023 2:30PM

The alpine rating is low, the treeline rating is low, and the below treeline rating is low. Known problems include Wind Slabs.

Avalanche Canada cwild, Avalanche Canada


A low avalanche danger rating does not mean letting your guard down. Isolated wind slabs may surprise you.

Carefully assess your slope before committing to high consequence terrain.




Avalanche Summary

No new avalanches were observed or reported.

Thanks for contributing to the collection of this valuable data by sharing with other users on the Mountain Information Network or by writing to us directly at bulletin@avalanchequebec.ca.

Snowpack Summary

The alpine and exposed features are greatly affected by the wind and present a mix of surfaces (soft and hard slabs, sastrugi, ice, pressed snow). In sheltered areas, 10 to 25 cm of low density snow cover the March 18th melt freeze crust, observed at all altitudes. Below 500m, there is a thin melt freeze crust on the surface, due to the mild temperatures of Monday and Tuesday.

On the solar aspects, the short episode of sun on Friday morning could soften the thin melt freeze crust for a couple of hours, but expect it to be still perceptible, because of the forecasted clouds in PM.

The mid-snowpack is well consolidated and right-side up. The base of the snowpack is composed of laminated crusts. In general, the height of the snowpack varies from 90 to 110 cm in the valley to 130 to 180 cm at the treeline.

Weather Summary

Forecast for the Chic-Chocs ridges and summits.

Synopsis: A high-pressure system along with good weather will leave the area Thursday afternoon and leave the place to a low-pressure system that will bring a significant amount of snow on Thursday night.

Wednesday evening and night: Mostly cloudy. No precipitation. Winds from 20 to 30 km/h from the northwest. Min. -10C.

Thursday: Increasing clouds. 5 to 10 cm of snow starting in the evening. Winds around 35 km/h from the south, increasing to 75 km/h with the arrival of the storm. Max. -7C.

Friday: Cloudy. 5 to 10 cm of snow, ending early in the morning. Winds from 15 to 20 km/h from the north. Max. -10C.

Saturday: Gradual clearing. No precipitation. Winds from 25 to 40 km/h from the north. Max. -10C.

For more details, see the Chic-Chocs alpine forecast.

Terrain and Travel Advice

  • Carefully evaluate steep lines for wind slabs.
  • Approach lee and cross-loaded slopes with caution.
  • Caution around convexities or sharp changes in terrain.
  • Be careful with wind slabs, especially in steep, unsupported and/or convex terrain features.


Wind Slabs

An icon showing Wind Slabs

Little snow is available for transport, but with the observed winds on Thursday, isolated wind slabs may be found, especially in the start zones, couloirs and steep convexities.

Aspects: North East, East, South East, South.

Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.


Unlikely - Possible

Expected Size

1 - 2

Valid until: Mar 23rd, 2023 3:00PM
