Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Feb 8th, 2023 4:00PM

The alpine rating is considerable, the treeline rating is considerable, and the below treeline rating is moderate. Known problems include Storm Slabs and Deep Persistent Slabs.

Avalanche Canada CB, Avalanche Canada


Moderate Southerly winds are reworking the recent storm snow.

Watch for overhead hazards: cornices, touring parties and wind loaded slopes, and limit your exposure.




Avalanche Summary

One solar triggered loose avalanche size 1.5 on Wednesday in the Portal avalanche path.

Small cycle of natural avalanches over Tuesday night, mostly size 2-2.5, with one isolated size 3.0.

Avalanche control on Tuesday was effective in producing widespread avalanches throughout the park, up to size 3.5, failing in the recent storm snow with large powder components.

Snowpack Summary

50-70 cm of warm, storm snow has created a widespread storm slab. Moderate SW winds during and following the storm loaded lee slopes, in open terrain treeline and alpine.

The mid-snowpack is mainly rounded grains.

The basal Nov 17 deep persistent weak layer is mostly faceted with a decomposing crust in various locations.

Weather Summary

Unsettled weather continues as another low pressure system brings moderate snow Friday with SW winds.

Tonight: Cloudy w/clear periods, Alp low -11*C, light SW winds, FZL valley bottom

Thurs: Cloudy w/sunny periods & isolated flurries, trace snow, Alp high -5*C, Mod SW winds, 1300m FZL

Fri: Flurries, 20 cm, Alp high: -7*C, Mod SW winds gusting to strong, FZL 1300m.

Terrain and Travel Advice

  • Continue to make conservative terrain choices while the storm snow settles and stabilizes.
  • Be especially cautious as you transition into wind affected terrain.
  • Caution around slopes that are exposed to cornices overhead.
  • In areas where deep persistent slabs may exist, avoid shallow or variable depth snowpacks and unsupported terrain features.


Storm Slabs

An icon showing Storm Slabs

A storm slab is present through out the park. This warm layer of snow is 50-70cm thick. During the storm, moderate S'ly winds loaded lee features and created a thicker, more dense storm slab. Winds on Wednesday continue to load start zones.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: All elevations.



Expected Size

1 - 3

Deep Persistent Slabs

An icon showing Deep Persistent Slabs

This layer has been mainly dormant for the last few weeks but has the potential to 'wake up' with the additional snow load from the storm. Steep, thin, unsupported areas are where this deep layer may be triggered, and the resulting avalanches would be VERY LARGE!

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.


Unlikely - Possible

Expected Size

2.5 - 4

Valid until: Feb 9th, 2023 4:00PM