Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Nov 21st, 2012 9:07AM

The alpine rating is below threshold, the treeline rating is below threshold, and the below treeline rating is below threshold.

Avalanche Canada swerner, Avalanche Canada

This bulletin is based on limited data. Local variations in conditions are likely to exist. Check out the forecasters blog for further details on interpreting early season bulletins.



3 - 139

Weather Forecast

A ridge moves into the region late on Wednesday bringing dryer, cooler conditions for Thursday. A Pacific frontal system will push into the region on Friday. Precipitation is not expected to start up until later in the afternoon on Friday. Freezing levels will remain at valley bottom.Thursday: Mainly dry, alpine temps near -7, winds W 20km/hr.Friday: Snow 2-5 cm, alpine temps near -7, winds W 20km/hr.Saturday: Snow 12 cm, alpine temps near -8, winds S 25km/hr.

Avalanche Summary

No current avalanche observations have been submitted. If you and your friends have been out  riding in the backcountry, and have observations to share, please send an email to forecaster@avalanche.ca.

Snowpack Summary

Snowpack observations and information are very limited, and conditions across the region vary. In the alpine I suspect anywhere from 150-200 cm of snow. Storms slabs may be widespread in the alpine and treeline elevations and wind slabs are likely found on lee slopes and behind ridge crests. An couple early season persistent layers have been reported. The most reactive being a surface hoar layer that was buried on November 17th. This is down 25-50 cm and producing easy shears in snowpack testing. The early November crust also exists deeper in the snowpack and widespread in the alpine. At this point it seems to be unreactive in the Dogtooth Range, but may catch you by surprise in other parts of the region. Snow depths at treeline are roughly sitting around 50-100 cm in depth, and below treeline snow levels may still be below threshold.

Valid until: Nov 22nd, 2012 2:00PM
