Weather Forecast
Generally clear skies are expected on Sunday and Monday with increasing cloud on Tuesday. Winds will be mostly light from the southwest. Freezing levels may reach 3200m on Sunday, 2500m on Monday and then 2100m on Tuesday.
Avalanche Summary
Loose wet avalanches up to 2.0 have been reported on solar aspects.
Snowpack Summary
Recent warm temperatures have created melt freeze conditions below 2000m on all aspects and to ridgecrest on south and west facing terrain. Isothermal conditions as deep as 100cm have been reported on South aspects at lower elevations. On high north-facing slopes surfaces are well settled and surface hoar development continues in some areas.Cornices are huge!A layer of surface hoar (buried on March 11; now down about 60 cm) is still being observed in some locations. Triggering this layer has become unlikely, and would most likely require a large trigger or from a thin snowpack zone. Mid and lower snowpack layers are well bonded.
Loose Wet
Aspects: North, North East, East, South East, South.
Elevations: All elevations.
Expected Size
Aspects: North, North East, East, South East.
Elevations: Alpine.
Expected Size
Valid until: Mar 31st, 2013 2:00PM