Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Feb 4th, 2019 8:00AM

The alpine rating is considerable, the treeline rating is considerable, and the below treeline rating is considerable. Known problems include Wind Slabs and Persistent Slabs.

Parks Canada ross campbell, Parks Canada

Natural avalanche activity has tapered off significantly in the last 24 hours. That said, human triggering remains likely, and we will probably see the odd random large natural.


Weather Forecast

Today will be cold and clear and hopefully the winds will subside; winds have been strongest at valley bottom with the Arctic outflow upon us. Temperatures may warm up to -18 in the sun today, winds are forecast to be light from the NE. No significant change in the weather is expected until Thursday...

Snowpack Summary

At treeline we received upwards of 70cm of storm snow over the weekend with strong Sth winds and mild temps. The storm snow is sitting over the Jan 31st crust on solar asp at TL and BTL. In the Alpine, the storm snow overlies old dormant wind slabs. Reverse loading over the past 24 hours will have relocated the storm snow at TL and in the Alpine.

Avalanche Summary

Over the weekend Grizzly slide path in the Connaught creek ran to size 3.5 annihilating the skin track just prior to skiers arriving. Frequent Flyer did the same and is now probably reloaded. Vague report of a large natural off of Corbin pk yesterday. Natural activity has tapered off significantly after the impressive cycle over the weekend.


Due to the quality of field observations


Wind Slabs

An icon showing Wind Slabs
70cm of storm snow, plus strong to extreme Southerly winds created wind and storm slabs over the weekend. On Sunday Strong NE winds relocated our storm snow again into wind slabs on specific terrain features at all aspects and elevations.
Use conservative route selection, choose moderate angled and supported terrain with low consequence.Watch for whumpfing, hollow sounds, and shooting cracks.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: All elevations.



Expected Size

1 - 3

Persistent Slabs

An icon showing Persistent Slabs
The Jan 17th Surface Hoar layer is now down 90cm+/-. This layer exists on all aspects, and is most problematic between 1400-1900m and on steep solar aspects where it overlies a crust.
Use caution on open slopes and convex rolls at treeline where buried surface hoar may be preserved.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Treeline, Below Treeline.



Expected Size

1.5 - 3

Valid until: Feb 5th, 2019 8:00AM