Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Dec 30th, 2018 4:10PM

The alpine rating is moderate, the treeline rating is low, and the below treeline rating is low. Known problems include Wind Slabs.

Avalanche Canada mbender, Avalanche Canada

A stable weather pattern is forecast for the next few days.



Moderate - Due to the number of field observations

Weather Forecast

MONDAY: Mix of sun and cloud / Light north wind / Alpine temperature -3 CTUESDAY: Mix of sun and cloud / Light northwest wind / Alpine temperature -3 CWEDNESDAY: Flurries / Moderate southwest wind / Alpine temperature 0 C / Freezing level 1500 m

Avalanche Summary

There have been no new avalanches reported in the past few days.

Snowpack Summary

The latest storm Friday night and Saturday was quite warm where it rained to the 1500 m elevation and perhaps above. The temperature has since dropped below zero, so expect to see a crust near or on the surface. At the highest elevations, an additional 40-60 cm of recent snow may not be bonding well to underlying surfaces. This is particularly the case in the north of the region near Squamish, where the snow may be sitting on a weak layer of feathery surface hoar. The middle and lower snowpack are well-settled. Snow depths increase substantially with higher elevations. Expect to find about 200 cm at treeline elevations.


Wind Slabs

An icon showing Wind Slabs
Recent snow at upper elevations has been redistributed by southerly winds.
Avoid exposure to terrain traps where the consequences of a small avalanche could be serious.Be cautious as you transition into wind affected terrain.

Aspects: North, North East, East, North West.

Elevations: Alpine.



Expected Size

1 - 2

Valid until: Dec 31st, 2018 2:00PM
