Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Nov 28th, 2022 4:00PM

The alpine rating is moderate, the treeline rating is moderate, and the below treeline rating is low. Known problems include Storm Slabs.

Avalanche Canada istorm, Avalanche Canada


Because of the thin, soft, early season snowpack the best riding will also be where avalanches are most likely. My suggestion is to keep slope angles moderate and sheltered from the wind.




Avalanche Summary

Limited reporting from the field, but Sunday's avalanche were small (mostly size 1, one size 2) and included loose dry (sluffs) and windslabs,

Snowpack Summary

Upper Snowpack: This weekend's storm generally added 10 to 20 cm to the snowpack with the deep snow holes touching 30 cm.

Lower Snowpack: It's a thin cold early season story of mostly soft facets (in representative places that are out of the wind near treeline)

Noteworthy Weakness: A surface hoar/sun crust combination from mid-November releasing easily and propagating in snowpack tests.

In the alpine, snowpack depths range from 50-150 cm. At treeline there is around 50-100 cm. Below treeline is thin and scratchy. At all elevations there are many early season hazards like rocks and stumps.

Weather Summary

Monday Night

Dry, -20C style cold, light wind


Dry, sunny in the morning but increasing cloudiness late in the day, -15 to -20 C, light wind but increasing late in the day from the southwest


Weak disturbance means overcast, 5 to 15 cm snow, light to mod southwest wind, warming temps to around -10 C.


Mixed day with nil to 5 cm of snow, temps around -10 C, light southwest wind.

More details can be found in the Mountain Weather Forecast.

Terrain and Travel Advice

  • Dial back your terrain choices if you are seeing more than 30 cm of new snow.
  • Start on smaller terrain features and gather information before committing to bigger terrain.
  • Watch for newly formed and reactive wind slabs as you transition into wind affected terrain.


Storm Slabs

An icon showing Storm Slabs

Thin early season snow depths mean you'll be searching for deeper areas to ride; that'll take you to where storm slabs are most likely. Selecting moderate (less steep) slopes will help manage both early season hazards (like knee and A-arm wrecking rocks) and avalanche hazards. Less windy areas will be the sweet spot for both best riding quality and avoiding avalanche issues.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.



Expected Size

1 - 2.5

Valid until: Nov 29th, 2022 4:00PM
