Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Jan 3rd, 2013 9:10AM

The alpine rating is low, the treeline rating is low, and the below treeline rating is low.

Avalanche Canada jfloyer, Avalanche Canada

Low danger doesn't mean no danger. Continue to be avalanche aware and travel using good practices.




Weather Forecast

Friday: Flurries possible with some partial clearing. Freezing level below valley bottoms. Ridgetop winds up to 30 km/h from the southwest. Saturday: Flurries possible. Freezing level around 1200 m. Ridgetop winds gusting to 40 km/h from the south. Sunday: Flurries possible. Freezing level around 1000 m. Ridgetop winds gusting to 50 km/h from the southwest.

Avalanche Summary

No new avalanches observed.

Snowpack Summary

Steep south facing aspects are getting moist with warm temperatures and solar radiation, weakening the surface layer during the afternoons. The snowpack is generally settled, with no significant weak layers reported in the upper or mid snowpack. Surface hoar crystals up to 20mm have been observed on the snow surface. Near the base of the snowpack, a crust/facet layer appears to be inactive. However, it still produces sudden shears in snowpack tests in isolated areas, especially in the Northern part of the region. Although unlikely, triggering an avalanche on this layer is possible from thin snowpack areas or with a very heavy trigger.

Valid until: Jan 4th, 2013 2:00PM
