Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Nov 23rd, 2017 4:26PM

The alpine rating is moderate, the treeline rating is moderate, and the below treeline rating is moderate. Known problems include Loose Wet and Storm Slabs.

Avalanche Canada cgarritty, Avalanche Canada

Ongoing wet weather is maintaining a heightened danger of loose wet avalanches at all elevations. Storm slabs are a potential concern in the alpine.



Low - Due to the number of field observations

Weather Forecast

Friday: 5-10 mm of rain with potential for accumulations of about 10 cm of new snow at alpine elevations. Strong southwest winds. Freezing levels of around 1400m with alpine temperatures of 0 to -1. Saturday: 15-20 mm of rain. Moderate south winds. Freezing levels rising to about 1800 metres with alpine temperatures around 0 to +1.Sunday: 40-50mm of rain. Strong to extreme south winds. Freezing levels rising to 2500 metres with alpine temperatures around +5

Avalanche Summary

No recent avalanches have been reported. That said, recent rainfall is suspected to have caused a natural loose wet avalanche cycle. Although natural avalanche activity and human triggering potential has decreased in sync with falling temperatures, ongoing rain will maintain lingering loose wet avalanche potential into the near future, particularly in steep, unsupported terrain. Storm slab development is an additional concern at high alpine elevations where snow may accumulate.

Snowpack Summary

A strong start to the season brought good snow coverage to treeline and alpine elevations of the South Coast mountains. While reports of snowpack composition have been limited, there is confidence that recent heavy rainfall has saturated the upper snowpack throughout the region.


Loose Wet

An icon showing Loose Wet
Rain has saturated the upper snowpack and potential for loose wet avalanching exists on steep, unsupported terrain features. Even a small loose wet avalanche can become a big problem if it gathers enough mass or exposes you to a terrain trap.
Avoid exposure to terrain traps where the consequences of a small avalanche could be serious.Be cautious of sluffing in steep terrain, particularly where the debris flows into terrain traps.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: All elevations.



Expected Size

1 - 2

Storm Slabs

An icon showing Storm Slabs
Be aware that storm slabs may be forming at alpine elevations. Dial back your terrain selection if you find the snow surface transitioning from wet snow to new snow as you gain elevation.
Use extra caution in lee areas in the alpine. Storm snow may be forming touchy slabs.Be alert to conditions that change with elevation.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Alpine.



Expected Size

1 - 2

Valid until: Nov 24th, 2017 2:00PM
